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Championing Cerebral Palsy Strength


What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy also known as CP, is a neurological condition that affects the body in a variety of ways.

These include co-ordination, balance, mobility and speech.


Cerebral Palsy is an umbrella term as there are many different types, the main 4 being:

Spastic, Dyskinetic, Ataxic and Mixed.

Although it can be very scary when your child is first diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, we are here to give you hope and show how Strong Cerebral Palsy Warriors are and what can help them achieve their goals.

Click below for more information on Cerebral Palsy

How we can help you

Workshops and Training

We provide specialized workshops for schools, companies, and community organizations to increase awareness about cerebral palsy. These sessions are designed to promote inclusivity and equip participants with practical strategies for supporting individuals with cerebral palsy

 Community Network

 Become part of our supportive community where you can connect with other families who understand the unique experiences of living with cerebral palsy. Share your experiences, exchange tips, and find mutual support within this network.

Family Fun Days and Festivals

 Join us for inclusive family events that combine fun, education, and community engagement. These events are designed to be welcoming to all and help foster understanding and inclusivity.

If you need assistance or want to learn more about how ColouringGreen can support you, please contact us or explore our resources. We are here to help you navigate and thrive.

How you can help

 Share Our Mission

 Help us reach a wider audience by sharing our message on social media, talking about our work with friends and family, and distributing our materials.

Partner with Us

If you’re part of a business or organization, consider collaborating with ColouringGreen for sponsorship opportunities, corporate donations, or event partnerships.

Host Workshops

Offer to host or facilitate workshops in schools, companies, and community centers to educate others about cerebral palsy and inclusivity.

Make a Financial Contribution

Your donations help fund our programs, workshops, and events. Every contribution, no matter the size, supports our mission to improve the lives of those affected by cerebral palsy.

Get Involved Today

Your efforts in fundraising, spreading the word, and advocating for education and policy changes are vital to ColouringGreen’s success. To learn more or to get involved, please contact us or visit our website.

Together, we can make a lasting impact and build a more inclusive world for individuals with cerebral palsy.

Cerebral Palsy Warriors

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